Friday, December 10, 2010

Things are wonerful

This has been maybe the busiest 10 days of my life!!!!  Setting up a house is so much work!!  And we haven't even started our regular cleaning or upkeep!!  Last night after dinner it took an hour just to clean up and get ready for today!!!  Ken used to do all of the stuff before I got home!!  We are exhausted by the time we go to bed!!  How in the world do people do this with young children??????!!  I guess we will find out!!!!

I am learning a lot about myself through this all.  One thing is that I can do so much more than I ever thought AND I am not quite as lazy as I thought!!!! 

So I love my life!!  I feel that I have a purpose and that I am called to be the mistress of our home!!  I can't wait for the day when I can be at home all day with our child and the mangaging of it will be my full time job!!!!!!! Here's to the future!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

things are looking up!!!

sorry it has been so long!  Things are really begining to happen!!!  We are in our house and love it!1  Our paper work for the adoption is going through well not through but we are working more diligently.  I was very discouraged for a while!!!  But I kmow that our forever child is out there!!  At my work I just found out that one lady is pregnant and another woman is begingign her transition plan with her adoption agency. 

Our house is amazing!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

today is one of those days!!!

Today ia another day.  Today we found out that our closing is not going as we have planned!!! does anything?  Sometimes I wonder how those people who have those 5 year plans do it??   I don't have that special power.  If I was going to I would have been an elementary teacher, married and have 4 kids in Pullman.  Nothing has ever gone as I have planned.  I know about Jeremiah 29:11.  I know that God has plans for me but why does everyhting in my life have to go by detour? 

I know that the children that we are supposed to have will come to us in time.  I know the child find process will be tougher than anything we ever wxperienced.  We will have our hearts broken.  We will be a strong and amazing family because of it.  It's just that this time while we are waiting is almost unbearable!!!  We are just begininning our waiting.  First we have to wait for our house to close,  then we have to wait for our backfround clearance, then the homestudy, then the dhildfind. Then we have to wait to legally become a family.

Thanks for listening!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ready to Share!!!!!!!!!

We are embarking on a new adventure in our lives and we would love for you to be a part.  This is going to be mostly Stacey's ramblings. There will be times that I vent and seem that I am hopeless.  That will be just a part of my journey!!!  Please bear with me .  I am going to be real. The more real I am the more I will able to look back on this time and see my journey.

I have never claimed to be a writer  but this will be a way you can see what we are going through and pray for us!!  You can cheer us on and pray for  us!!!!!!

We love all of you!! Thankyou for your love and support!!!!